Sunday, 27 December 2015

2015: A Personal Reflection

With 2015 nearly over, I've felt a rush of excitement with the prospects of a new start. I always embrace the start of a new year with open arms, and the idea of a blank slate fuels me with determination. Over the last couple of months I've spent a lot of time reflecting on this past year. Thinking about what the year has brought me. What I've achieved, my accomplishments. How different I am from this point last year. What's gone wrong and how I can have a go at working on it over 2016. I've really been thinking about my blog and what I want to come from it in 2016, but I've decided I'm going to save that for an entirely separate post. This post is going to focus on personal achievements. 2015 has been an incredible year for me in terms of self-improvement. I lost a bit of weight. I gained some confidence (not much but still). I worked hard. I made some incredible friends. I ditched those who were getting me down, and generally just tried to improve my mental and physical health.

Every year I like to set myself goals. Not necessarily 'New Year's Resolutions', but something for me to work towards over the coming months. I'm a big believer in that these have to be realistic goals. There's no point me setting targets that are near on impossible to achieve. At the end of 2014, I told myself that by the end of 2015 I'd be more confident, 'a few pounds lighter', and more independent. And I have certainly achieved everything I set out to, and a lot more on top of that. I feel like I've really come into my stride over the last few months. I feel more settled at university and I'm really starting to discover who I really am (how cliché). As I am writing this, I am currently doing a research project on 'friendship', and it has seriously opened my eyes and redefined my thoughts on what it is to be a friend. I've built up such a good support system, and my project has made me appreciate them all the more.

I've had so many incredible opportunities and made some amazing memories, but I've also had my fair share of bad luck. One of the highlights of my year has to be going back to university in September.  As well as spending time with all my friends, I've also made great progress in terms of assignments and I've developed such a good work ethic. Over the last few weeks I've met up with my friends that are studying all over the country, and I've really enjoyed catching up and hearing all the things that are going on in their lives. I went out for coffee with a couple of my bestest friends at the start of December, and we spent nearly 4 hours talking non-stop because we hadn't seen each other since the end of September! Moments like these have kept me sane this year, I think if I hadn't as many I would have dropped out of university and taken up permanent residence in my bedroom.

I'm so glad I haven't dropped out or done anything too rash, as this year has been one of the best ones I've had in a long time. And on reflection, I feel as though next year is only going to improve on the last. One of the main things that I want to work on is my stress levels. I get incredibly stressed out over the slightest little things, and it has really started to get to me. My health has suffered quite a bit, and I spend so much of my time stressing that I have no time to do other things. And so I really want to make an effort to schedule in more time to relax. Although I always make the effort to treat myself to a regular face mask and a long hot soak in the bath, I want to try and schedule frequent calming sessions. Maybe trying meditation?

In general I just want to work on myself as that is exactly what I did last year, and it's something I want to continue to do throughout 2016. I have a few ideas of what I want to do but they aren't something I want to share here on my blog as they are quite personal and they wouldn't make for an interesting post anyway.

Have you or will you be making any New Year's Resolutions?
Thanks for reading!
Love Charlotte x

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