Friday 8 August 2014

"Blogger's Block"

So! How has everyone been? All good I hope. 

When I started this blog, I hoped to be posting every single Saturday without fail (yes I know.. I failed). Little did I know how much of a challenge it is to come up with new and excited things to write about.(*cough* If you have any requests for posts they would be greatly appreciated *cough*).

I initially wanted to write about beauty as it is something I have a great passion for. However, since starting my blog, I have discovered that I don't want to restrict my blog to one type of content (hence the non-beauty posts). I want to be able to write about all the things I am enjoying. By doing this, you will hopefully be able to develop a picture in your head of me and my personality. 

Many bloggers I know, have a designated notebook in which they jot down ideas for blog posts and other ideas on how to grow and develop their blog. I have therefore rushed out to the shops and bought myself the most beautiful notebook which I can carry round and write down my ramblings in. 
My new notebook! Designed by one of my favourite artists - Rob Ryan. 

Little side note - I picked up this notebook on a recent trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I can never avoid the giftshop! They always have new things in depending on which exhibitions are on. Anyway, heres to filling it with new ideas! 

Have any of you had "bloggers block"? if so, how did you overcome it? Leave me comments below!

Thanks for reading!

Love Charlotte x



  1. I'm kind of new to blogging too!!! and I constantly get bloggers block!! I had a 3 month gap at one point! oops :)

    1. Wow thats a long gap! haha. My notebook seems to helping. I managed to get a post out! x


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