Monday 13 July 2015

Interiors: Dreamy Workspaces

(Images sourced via Pinterest)
Over the last couple of weeks I've really been getting into using Pinterest. I've had an account for years but never really understood the hype - now I use it for everything! One thing I've been using it for is for crushing on peoples houses and interior designs (like the ones pictured above), so when WeWork got in touch to ask if I'd like to share my dream workspace with you all, I was happy to get involved!

At the moment, I don't have a workspace or even a desk for that matter. I've just moved out of my first year university accommodation and decided I wanted to commute for the next year just to see how it goes. But this means that I've been left without a desk! Although at some point over the next few years, I'd really like to get my own flat/house and decorate it - and in order to this I've been seeking some inspiration.

I'm a true fan of simple, minimalistic style in all it's forms (from fashion to decor) and I love to stay organised so having plenty of storage is key. If I were to decorate my dream office, it would be painted in a nice neutral colour and offset with white furniture and plenty of accessories. My desk would be white with a complimentary chair in the same colour. My laptop or computer would be the main feature on my desk and around it I would fill my space with plants and flowers, trinkets, a cute lamp and simple art prints. Depending on the amount of space available, I would put up a few floating shelves to create extra storage and use them to prop up photos of friends and family. 

Out of interest, how would you decorate your dream office?
Thanks for reading!
Love Charlotte x
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  1. I have to agree, I love the minimalistic style especially for desk areas! xxxxx

  2. I've recently taken to Pinterest for interior inspiration as well! I use it for lots of other things too though. I'll actually have a post about my home decor favorite later this week!


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