Sunday 5 April 2015

A Photo Diary: Life's A Beach

A couple of years ago my Dad bought a house by the beach (if you could call it a house). He got it so cheap because it was literally just bricks. There were no floors, nothing - just bricks. We have spent a lot of our free time doing it up and I pretty much lived there last summer helping him paint and do other odd jobs. Now that the house is finally liveable in, I spend a lot of my time there because who doesn't love the seaside!

I have just got back from spending a week there with a friend. To be fair we did spend a lot of time inside re-watching season one of Pretty Little Liars, but we had a lovely week strolling along the beaches and eating fish and chips multiple times!
What have you all been up to this week?!
Thanks for reading!
Love Charlotte x
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  1. Looks lovely! Love the pictures (what camera do you use?), the house by the beach sounds Idyllic - have always wanted to live by the sea! Although I don't think my hair would thank me for it - haha.

    1. I can see myself getting fed up if I lived there permanently, but I love being able to escape whenever I want to! These were all shot on a Nikon D3100, as are most (if not all) of my blog photos! :) x

  2. Sounds so ideal, lovely location to have a house by :)

    Natasha |

    1. It is my favourite seaside location too! X

  3. Aww this is such a lovely post and all your photos are absolutely beautiful! :)

    Layla xx

  4. Absolutely love love love these photographs! It looks beautiful. I am very jealous of fish and chips too!!

    Sarah xxx ||


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